Christina Perri - I Believe


Een nummer van Christina Perri met een mooie, hoopgevende tekst. Zij schreef dit nummer voor To Write Love On Her Arms, een organisatie die zich inzet voor iedereen die kampt met depressie, verslaving, automutilatie, suicide en andere psychische problemen. 

I believe if I knew where I was going, I'd lose my way
I believe that the words that he told you are not your grave
I know that we are not the weight of all our memories
I believe in the things that I am afraid to say
Hold on, hold on

I believe in the lost possibilities you can't see
I believe that the darkness reminds us where light can be
I know that your heart is still beating, beating, darling
I believe that you fell so you would land next to me

I have been where you are before
I have felt the pain of losing who you are
I have died so many times
But I am still alive

I believe that tomorrow is stronger than yesterday
I believe that your head is the only thing in your way
I wish that you could see your scars turn into beauty
I believe that today it's OK to be not OK
Hold on, hold on

This is not the end of me, this is the beginning
Hold on
I am still alive


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onlymy - Vrijdag 30 mei 2014 12:57
Wauw! Het refrein is zoo sterk :)