Lief liedje: Yeah Yeah van Sam Means


Misschien komt dit liedje je al bekend voor. Het wordt namelijk ook gebruikt in een reclame van Nationale Nederlanden. Ik hoorde het laatst ineens op de radio en werd er helemaal blij van. Dit liedje is niet alleen heel schattig, ook de tekst is mooi. Het liedje gaat niet enkel over liefde, het kan ook gaan over de stap zetten en kiezen voor verandering als je goed naar de tekst luistert. 

Today was the day
That I put everything in perspective
I fell asleep, when I woke up
Everything changed
And the sky was turned on
But that was before
But that was before

You came along and you turned me on
With a little bit of love
And little bit of yeah yeah

Today is the day
That I threw out everything that I wanted
I was scared, but that's alright
Who needs a ride that's taking too long?

That was before
That was before

You came along and you played me a song
With a little bit of love
And little bit of yeah yeah


You came along and you played me a song
With a little bit of love
And little bit of yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah


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